


They will take your picture again
In this kitschy sunset
Among monolithic cliffs and mists of smog
For a pretty Japanese postcard.

They will take your picture again
And will scan the iris of the eye,
There a lonely old man with burned legs
Looks through the window of his hospital room.

They will take your picture again
Colorful Fuji blocks
Immortalized in USB
Perhaps – first like a gay man,
Sad ly sipp ing mojitos.

They will take your picture again
A New Age story
So much blood on the keyboard
Maybe it’s just ironic

That after traveling all night through myspace
You only found a single star
Crumb ling with hardcore
Experimental screams

a soothing melody

Dream Poem No. 3



Let’s build a tent in the yard.
Let’s occupy the territories.
Let’s share it.
Let’s built the towers of sand,

Let’s destroy it together.
If we play, we play,
If we lose, we lose,
If we win, we win.

Occupying each other
Doesn’t need many agreements –
If I’ll take half of your heart
Another half is still free
For old gardening habits.
If we play, we win,
If we win, we lose,
If we lose, we play.

We do remember by heart
What does it mean
To cut the lands as slices of bread
For so many mouths
All of them are hungry and thirsty.
If we play, we lose,
If we lose, we play,
If we play, we win.